Best Wireless Microphone for Travel? [is DJI Mic Jungle Proof?]

AED S02R01 - DJI Mic Review Xmas

The DJI Mic has been praised by a lot of YouTubers but for some reason they leave out its imperfections. Is it even jungle-proof? Let‘s test!     Get your own DJI Mic AED S02R01 #DjiMic #WirelessMicrophone #JungleProof Get your own DJI Mic for the Holidays before it sells out! Amazon US: Amazon Europe…

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The best Beaches in Southern Bahia, Brazil – [How to get there?]

AED S02E03 Camping in Bahia

Camping at beaches in Caraíva, BA, #Brazil: The most #beautiful beaches in #Bahia can sometimes only be reached with an off-road vehicle. We continued our journey all throughout southern Bahia and were fascinated by the amazing nature we encountered.           Find your own favorite beaches under the many locations we visited.…

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Can we go camping in Espírito Santo?

AED S02E02 – Espirito Santo, Brazil: Come camping with us for the first time ever! With an air mattress on our foldable rear seats! Will we fit in it?   What’s up with Espírito Santo? Just a few hours from Rio you can cross over to the beautiful state of Espírito Santo. You will find…

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